Sunday, May 18, 2014

The First Branding and Design of iQin Brand Identity

The branding and design of iQin brand identity is challengig, for iQin is my ultimate main brand that emcompasses all the entities of my online world. iQin is the HQ for all my online businesses that currently own these brands; Qin Chinese for all things Chinese, Loving Spaces on home decor, and UniSuccess for all my internet marketing biz.iQin is focused on online publishing, eCommerce and Internet Marketing. Thumbnail Sized Square Format Design A Logo. Size 100×100 px. It is used as thumbnail image for the teaser post listings in my website. The Thesis WordPress Theme with the fabulous Pearsonfied Skin that I used for most of my website has automated the insetion of this thumbnail image. It is easy to do it. I used this size image in my Mindmeister Mind Maps and for images of post listing at the bottom of my posts. Smalll Sized Square Format Design A Logo. Size 150×150 px. This size is suitable for insertion into part of the text in blog posts to enliven a boring po

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