Sunday, September 7, 2014

WordPress Templates: Thumbnail Images with Snippet for 640px Column Width Page/Post – SociVidz

The thumbnail images with snippet is one of the series of top productivity boosting Wordpress templates with full HTML codes for website building of SociVidz Imageli website. Thumbnail Images With Snippets The wordpress template for thumbnail images with snippet is designed to be used in the 640px wide content column of the 2-column Thesis Wordpress Theme website. The design centric Pearsonified Skin is used with the Thesis Wordpress Theme. When the thumbnail images with snippet, or sometimes it is called Wordpress post thumbnail, are fully HTML coded, I can simply use the copy and paste method to compose my Wordpress website pages and posts. It is very productive indeed. These thumbnail images with snippets are grouped as followed:Wordpress Templates: General Wordpress Templates: Mind Mapping Wordpress Templates: Video Making Wordpress Templates: Branding Design Wordpress Templates: Website Banner Wordpress Templates: Beta Testing

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