Sunday, September 14, 2014

Thumbnail Images with Snippet for 640px Wide Content Column of 2-Column Web Page and Post. Productivity Boosting WordPress Templates for Website Building

How To Use Thumbnail Images With Snippets 1. These thumbnail images with snippets are mostly used at the bottom section of the website pages and posts. They are used to organize better Wordpress navigation menu by grouping these images for sections such as general, mind mapping,video making, branding design, website banner and beta testing. 2. These thumbnail images with snippets can be used in the side bar of the 2-column website. 3. They can be used to insert into different sections of a web page. 4. If you have other websites, these thumbnail images with snippets can be used similarly like item 1, 2 and 3. These are for related articles. Wong Tooi Giap - Google+

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