Friday, September 12, 2014

The Productivity Boosting Imageli Mind Mapping Template for All The iQin Branded Websites

The Imageli Mind Mapping Template In this mind mapping template, all of iQin branded websites are organized and displayed clearly. Each of the website has been uploaded with its logo of size ranging from 100x100px to 200x200px. The website name and its logo can thus be copied and pasted into any new mind map. This assembly would speed up the building of my mind maps for each of myiQin branded websites. The iQin Brands iQin: Publishing, eCommerce and Internet Marketing iQin is Giap headquarter; it’s the brand name, that encompasses all my internet businesses. My focus is on Publishing, eCommerce and Internet Marketing. My current brands are Imageli, Qin Chinese and Loving Spaces. The Complete List of iQin Brands iQin: This is the main brand name for all of my websites Qin Chinese: All Things Chinese Qin All Chinese Qin Chinese Art Qin Chinese Quotes Loving Spaces: Passions For All Things Beautiful Decorating Small Spaces Wall Decals Quotes

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