Tuesday, September 9, 2014

WordPress Templates (640px Column Width Page/Post) for Marketing of Mindmeister Mind Mapping Software

These productivity boosting wordpress templates are for my affiliate marketing of Mindmeister Mind Mapping Software. These wordpress templates with full HTML codes are precisely designed to be used in the 640px wide content column of my 2-column Thesis Premium WordPress Theme website using the awesome Pearsonified Skin. I have similar wordpress templates for the affiliate marketing of Thesis Premium WordPress Theme and the SociVidz All-In-One Video Marketing software. Marketing of Mindmeister Mind Mapping Software Templates Marketing of Mindmeister Mind Mapping Software Templates: Medium Sized Long Full Banner. Website Banner Size: 640x79px. This is the standard full banner format of the standardized banner size of 468x60px. This banner size would be used if I want to advertise in external websites. I have modified it to 640x79px to suit the full banner usage in my 640px wide 2-column website

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