Saturday, September 13, 2014

Branding Website Header Design for Imageli: Visual Web Marketing Images, Graphics, Videos, Infographics, Branding

The website header design that have the full option to change to match each and every one of the pages would be most fantastic. There should be no limit to the size and design of the header to be used. The next improvement for the website header design is a narrow strip of header with some texts and images. Imageli: Visual Web Marketing. Medium Sized Advertising Banner. Image size:400x148 px Next is the current trend to use bigger website header. A very good example is the Fast Company website. The website header is not fixed to a design as conventionally practiced. The Fast Company website used totally different headers to match with each of the article. The results are stunning refreshing and really appeared very exciting in outlook for the famous website. The Fast Company won the best website of the year for 2013. … - Wong Tooi Giap - Google+

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