Monday, September 15, 2014

The Complete Portfolio of Image Sizes of Imageli Visual Web Marketing Assets

We have presented here image sizes of website elements like website header, website banners, website advertising strips, thumbnail images with snippets. The image sizes of images for my social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube are included as well. The world wide web has spectacularly evolved from the basic static text-based format webpages to the user interactive Web 2.0. Now the next exciting stage of visual web has just began. The web has become very visual indeed; there are lots of enriched content with lots of images, pictures, inforgraphics and videos. The very visual orientated social media like Pinterest and Instagram are getting tremendously popular and engaging. The world is getting very visual as users in the social media like Facebook, and even Twitter now use lots of visual elements to get engagement and interaction with one another. - Wong Tooi Giap - Google+

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