Sunday, December 14, 2014

Decorating Small Spaces: Branding and Design for Marketing Part 2

This is part 2 of The Branding and Design of Decorating Small Spaces website. As I work on the content of the website, I feel that are needs to make more branding images to add to these posts or pages. The branding images listed here are created for that purpose. The very productive benefits of this post is that I can easily use the images here for posing to my other pages or posts with all the image codes ready for SEO purpose. Decoraing Small Spaces Multi-use Branding Images. This is a general big impact branding image of size 640×478 px that I can use on social media postings and in websites. The 640 px wide image is good for social posting, as it appears big and bold to get the neccessary attraction. Decorating Small Spaces Big Branding Multi-use Images. Image size:640x478 px Another big impact branding image of size 640×360 px that I can use on social media postings and in websites. The 640 px wide image is good for social posting, as it appears big and bold.

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