Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Pinterest Profile of Imageli: Visual Web Marketing. Boosting Visual assets with images, graphics, infographics and videos

Imageli Visual Web Marketing focuses on tools and resources to boost web marketing with the right visual assets such as images, infographics, slideshows and videos. The web has progressively developed from the basic static text-based format to the user interactive Web 2.0. Now the next exciting stage of visual has began. The web has become very visual; there are proliferation of enriched content with lots of images, pictures, inforgraphics and videos. The social media like Pinterest and Instagram are very visual in orientation. Users in the social media like Facebook, and even Twitter now use lots of visual elements to get engagement and interaction with one another. The online world is getting very visual. These are the exciting facts on why visual is getting the rage now: Human brain processes visuals 60,000X faster than text. Web posts with visuals drive up 180% more engagement than those without. Viewers spend 100% more time on web pages with videos.

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