Sunday, August 18, 2013

Pinterest Group Boards World Branding: Welcome Board Cover Design D

The Pinterest Group Boards World‘s Welcome Board design has ultimately resonated with this latest Pinterest Profile branding design development D and it’s a pretty good design summation of my 3 Pinterest Profiles branding works that I have been working on lately. It all started with my deep concern about managing messages with my current and potential contributors to my Pinterest group boards. You can read this article on how I addressed the issues: Pinterest Group Board: Managing Messages from Contributors and Users. I am so passionate about design and branding works. I love to do all these works really. My prior professional background in Architecture helps significantly in all these design rendezvous. And Pinterest has rekindled my design skills. Nice days ahead. The 3 Pinterest Profile’s Welcome Board Cover Designs I am rather pleased that I have successfully implemented the special Welcome Board for 3 of my Pinterest Profiles namely Health & Fitness Group Boards Direct

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