Saturday, August 17, 2013

Amazing SociSynd Social Media Syndication Results from 1 Campaign for My Pinterest Focused Website

Getting to Google Page 1 no.1 with SociSynd campaign Beating Big Guns like Pinterest, Huffington Post, WebProNews, Social Media Examiner, Warrior Forum. Post Campaign Stats Keyword: How to xxxxx Pinterest Unquoted Search Volume: 204,000,000 results Before campaign: 1 result in Google page 1 hover from no.5-10 The Campaign Campaign Period: 18.07.13–07.08.13 20 days The SociSynd Social Media Syndication Works SociSynd Post Social Signals: 445 SociSynd Vote Campaign: Google Search: 64 1 post backlink to My Pinterest Focused Website Post A Google Unquoted Search Results: Keyword: How to xxxxx Pinterest Search Volume: 204,000,000 results Google Page 1 results No. 1 My Pinterest Focused Website Post A No. 4 My Pinterest Focused non-self hosted site Post B How amazing is SociSynd? My new positions overcoming Big guns like : Pinterest own site: no. 3 Warrior Forum: No.9 Huffington Post: no. 11 Social Media Examiner: no.13 WebProNews: no.18

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